Sunday, December 27, 2009


So I would like to present the question.... What is better than sitting in front of a fire eating, goodness only knows what, watching White Christmas, and watching it snow... Okay I can't think of much.

So as you may have guessed, yes, this is one of my favorite times of year. Why? you may ask. One word. CARHARTTS. Yes, such a simple reason, yet so unlike normal American teenagers. Just imagine.... Walking through the woods, with a parade of dogs behind you, oh so toasty warm, ready to fight through the wind a snow (But warm nonetheless mind you)... reaching your destination you pause, mentally wondering why you are not beyond fridged cold out here in like 20 degree weather.. The answer: You're wearing Carhartts!!!

Now, I could go on for a good three paragraphs on the amazingness of my muck boots, but I realise that you would probably go read my sisters blog on a more intelligent subject. So, now I shall end this suprisingly short blog post on Carhartts. Hope you enjoyed. all zero followers...


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