- Work at Dr. Bresters in the fall
- Get my level 2 Parelli certificate
- Mentor with the lady in Seymour...
Vickie Cox, NCAC II, CADAC II11715 E C.R. 1125 N, Seymour, IN 47274812-445-3658, vjcox@compuage.comContact: Vickie or Bill CoxOutpatient substance abuse treatment for all ages.EAGALA Certified
Manitou Connections LLC8520 Moore Road, Indianapolis, IN 46278317-414-6697, Linda@manitouconnections.com, http://www.manitouconnections.com/Contact: Linda Zimmerman or Don “Z” Zimmerman, Ph.D., FoundersPopulations/Populations: Individuals (child through adult), families, schools, groups, corporations, and teams. Specializing in leadership and at-risk student school programs, autism spectrum, self-injury, behavioral disorders, other mental health disorders, anger management, organizational and leadership development, wellness programs.EAGALA CertifiedManitou Connections is dedicated to providing personal and professional growth and educational opportunities for individuals of all ages.
- Mentor with Katrina
- Volunteer with 4-H Horse and Pony, Dogs, and Shooting sports
- Maybe take some psychology classes :/ ???
- Make money
- Build barn of my dreams
- Make millions :p
- Then build awesome house!
- Be best buds with Pat Parelli
(P.S. Slan is Irish for bye)
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