I am very excited! Not as much because of the news, but because I have news in general!!! Well, it is still very exciting. This past Thursday, Hannah had her first recording session. Supposedly I am going to have my harmony "added in". Supposedly.
Not only that, but she even wrote the song! Very exciting indeed. Meanwhile. We had our first group meeting at Dave's house. Only one person showed, Josh. But it was amazing how much fun we had! Josh is like our long lost brother. Even though it is Monday, he was just texting me! A new "Brotha" has been adopted.
Also in the midst of all this excitment, Jessica spent the weekend with us! Like icing on the cake! We had tons of fun. Acting like ninjas, planning our lives, hanging out, watching movies, playing kemps, texting even though we were sitting right next to eachother. The fun never ends! So this has been a fabulous weekend, and I am voting for this whole week to be the same!
OMG is that a hammer on the ark? Is that a Band-Aid? Wow we are awesome artists. :)