Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dunn dun dun DUUUNN  Oooh yeah... See that truckload of sawdust???!! I totally cowgirl'd up and undloaded that sucker! I will have to add, that it was raining too... Hence the tarpola

As I was walking the horses down the driveway, I noticed that the leaves are starting to turn! How crazy is that? It's August.. But what do I know..

Obviously something.. Because while I was editing pictures, this made me laugh :) It looks like it's from the 70's... Peace out dude.

Hannah (As in Hannahincolour) is at the library today at a writers workshop, she always comes home with fun stories from it, so I look forward to it! So while I am here slaving away, she's doing what she does best.. Being Hannah :)

I have started "Working out" again for the past few weeks. Mainly since I haven't been riding hardly at all, I was starting to feel a tad out of shape. So I totally think the sawdust bit counts as exercise!

This next week will be more of the same; getting ready for Disney!! 14 days, 16 hours :) All I know is, that there are going to be a heck of a lot of pictures to edit after that week..


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