Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nike+ Rocks

So I did it. It wasn't pretty, but I did it. I, Sarah Partridge, ran 2 miles today. Which, in case you didn't know, is the longest I have run in my whole life. And I'm feeling it! When I got to the track, I couldn't get the sensor to work, so after I got home and realised it was an operator problem and tapped the sensor until I got my whole 2 miles in. Like I was going to give that up! Mainly, I felt like I was going to pass out after lap 8... I had to sit in my car and just eat, and eat. My blood sugar must have gone waaay down. I didn't even trust myself to drive until I ate some more, then I promptly went to Mcdonalds and got a bacon egg and cheese bagel. Then I was fit, full, and happy :)

^This is a cool picture of the sensor thing that fits in the shoe in case you didn't understand what I was talking about^ It's been quite handy. So depending on how I feel tomorrow, I may go and run ONE mile...

After that wonderfully grueling workout, I went to work and picked the paddock. Then held horses for Jo, so she could rasp feet. Then put her Christmas tree away! Well, outside, it was a real tree, so she set it out by the bird feeders. Apparently they like them ;) Okay, well I'm off to do more work. So I'll write more later!

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