Thursday, November 11, 2010

No one watches a parade when it's raining

Does anyone else think it's hard to think of a first sentence for a blog? I don't know, it seems like the hardest part to me.
^What is that?! Is that Barneys blue cousin Izzy?!

Nooo... It's Eleanor!!! Awww She was so calm when we were working with her. I started by playing a game with her, the touch your nose on like, everything game. :) So I'd walk around the pen driving her to random stuff I had put around and she'd touch her nose on it, then we'd move on to the next 'thing'. Then Katrina put the saddle on, around, under and everywhere near her and she did great! It was pretty funny, I saw her spook for the first time, well, not really spook.. All she did was stand there and snort at the saddle when it was on the fence. She didn't try to run or anything like that, so I was pretty thankful!

Also we finished cleaning up the tack room, it looks fantastic! I really love being over there, and at Jo's. I don't know, they seem to understand me more than most people. Maybe because they're horse people? I'm not sure, but I love em to death! Along with the horses of course ;)

Also I rode Oprah and Shelby bareback.. Obviously at different times! It was amazing! Such a learning experience every time I ride. I haven't ridden a stock horse since July, so I was a bit rusty, but wow, once I got it, it felt great!
This is Oprah's BUTT! lol sorry, that made me laugh :)

Oprah's name is Oprah cause she's big and black ... Just sayin'

1 comment:

  1. The first sentence of a blog post, research paper and story are the hardest. They snatch your reader and drag them into the story. Sometimes I write the entire post, than go back and provide the first line.

    By the way, I love that you named your horse Oprah!
